Postings from Google Groups not getting through
(too old to reply)
Charles Packer
2011-08-02 01:24:34 UTC
I've posted two replies to a thread in the last 48 hours
that still haven't shown up. Is anybody else posting
here via Google Groups? What's your experience?

Charles Packer
Aaron W. Hsu
2011-08-02 02:26:54 UTC
Post by Charles Packer
I've posted two replies to a thread in the last 48 hours
that still haven't shown up. Is anybody else posting
here via Google Groups? What's your experience?
Nope, I don't use Google Groups for posting.

Aaron W. Hsu
Programming is just another word for the lost art of thinking.
Beauregard T. Shagnasty
2011-08-02 03:39:20 UTC
Post by Aaron W. Hsu
I've posted two replies to a thread in the last 48 hours that still
haven't shown up. Is anybody else posting here via Google Groups?
What's your experience?
Nope, I don't use Google Groups for posting.
I've seen several other postings in various groups complaining about
GG failing.

What's my experience? That Google Groups is (and always has been) a
terrible way to access Usenet for any reason other than to check the

Charles probably won't see this...
-Four wheels carry the body; two wheels move the soul
Robert Carnegie
2011-08-02 09:12:00 UTC
Post by Charles Packer
I've posted two replies to a thread in the last 48 hours
that still haven't shown up. Is anybody else posting
here via Google Groups? What's your experience?
Google Groups seems to have had a general breakdown on usenet groups
for the last several days. Maybe now working again, maybe not. Did
your posts finally show up?
John H Meyers
2011-08-03 18:09:09 UTC
Post by Charles Packer
I've posted two replies to a thread in the last 48 hours
that still haven't shown up. Is anybody else posting
here via Google Groups? What's your experience?
I often look there to try to obtain a "permanent link"
to other recent postings, and have noted that
G.G. is often quite slow to catch up with news feeds.

On the other hand, it does tend to eventually catch up,
and people who just keep impatiently re-posting
often simply generate multiple identical postings.

You do have a built-in "news" client in Opera,
and you can get most newsgroups via even a _free_ NNTP server
(occasionally even from some ISPs),
so why not use that instead, which will provide very prompt results,
due to the efficiency of the NNTP system,
when used with other "well connected" and capable servers, e.g.:

"a private project providing free access to text-only Usenet News.
The server has a 100MBit connection to several Internet backbones
and is integrated into the Usenet via more than 60 peers."

http://news.individual.net (also excellent, small yearly fee)
"Access world-wide Usenet for only 10 EUR per year"
(run by Freie Universität Berlin)

John H Meyers
2011-08-04 01:56:00 UTC
Post by John H Meyers
"a private project providing free access to text-only Usenet News.
The server has a 100MBit connection to several Internet backbones
and is integrated into the Usenet via more than 60 peers."
http://news.individual.net (also excellent, small yearly fee)
"Access world-wide Usenet for only 10 EUR per year"
(run by Freie Universität Berlin)
Specific newsgroups such as the Opera groups, Mozilla groups, etc.,
are often also available via free servers, handling only those groups,
provided by software producers themselves.

General NNTP clients such as Opera, Thunderbird, Outlook Express,
Windows [Live] Mail, etc. are capable of defining multiple "news" accounts,
each having its own servers, just as they can define multiple "mail" accounts,
so if your newsgroup interests are as narrow as these specific groups,
you can always use the free vendor-supplied servers for them,
while if your interest is wide-ranging,
you can use servers which handle thousands of groups,
often including such specialized vendor newsgroups,
by signing up for those "mega servers," whether free or not.

When using Opera's client, I would avoid subscribing to the same group
via multiple news servers, because, IIRC, unsubscribing from any group
on any one server might possibly delete all postings for that group
that have previously been saved in Opera, regardless of which
"news account" originally downloaded them.

2011-08-09 11:01:39 UTC
I posted a new thread about problems in Google Docs, but that hasn't got through either.

John H Meyers
2011-08-09 16:05:33 UTC
Post by flossie
I posted a new thread about problems in Google Docs,
but that hasn't got through either.
It certainly did get propagated (and I read it), twelve hours ago.

Please go to Google's forums and ask why you (or anyone) can't find postings
that have already propagated around the world to real "news" servers,
when you try to find them using Google Groups itself on the web,
which may be even weeks late in showing postings.

This is not an Opera issue, and if you want to bypass it,
you would be best served by using a real news client (such as Opera)
with real news servers, rather than via the severely delayed
Google Groups web service, which apparently posts quickly
but never catches up with even the news feeds that it generates.

All the Opera newsgroups (but _only_ Opera newsgroups)
are directly available via free news (NNTP) server news.opera.com

Similarly, all Mozilla and Netscape newsgroups (but only those)
are directly available via free server news.mozilla.org

Thousands of other newsgroups are available
via free or inexpensive general servers,
not associated with particular vendors.

You may access as many different news servers as you wish,
and subscribe to whatever groups each server carries,
using a single common mail client such as Opera, or Thunderbird,
or Windows [Live] Mail, or Outlook Express,
or any other specialized news reader software.

If you don't elect to use a news client with news servers,
then accept the fact that there will be long delays
viewing postings (yours or others') via Google Groups on the web,
no matter whose web browser you use (which is immaterial to the issue),
and no need to keep harping on that in Opera's forums.

2011-08-10 10:01:44 UTC
On 9 Ago, 18:05, John H Meyers <***@nomail.invalid> wrote:

Post by John H Meyers
You may access as many different news servers as you wish,
and subscribe to whatever groups each server carries,
...which is not always true if you are behind a corporate proxy.
Motor T
2011-08-10 13:14:37 UTC
Post by giuseppe.on.usenet
Post by John H Meyers
You may access as many different news servers as you wish,
and subscribe to whatever groups each server carries,
...which is not always true if you are behind a corporate proxy.
In which case he should quit screwing around and 'get back to work'!
Ed Mc
Nam Vet '66-'67
Semper Fi
John H Meyers
2011-08-11 11:11:29 UTC
Post by giuseppe.on.usenet
You may access as many different [NNTP] news servers as you wish,
and subscribe to whatever groups each server carries,
...which is not always true if you are behind a corporate proxy.
If the corporate entity wants to keep people away from usenet, they
might block common outgoing ports (119,563) used for NNTP protocol,
in which case most NNTP servers would be blocked,
but in that case, why would the corporation not also think
to block web access to groups.google.com ?

There also happen to be some NNTP servers which offer the same service
on ports 80/443 (the same ports used for web browsing),
for example see http://www.aioe.org/

There are also other web-based gateways to usenet,
some of which which may allow posting as well as reading.

Corporate lock-downers could be trying to nail all that shut too,
or could be trying to detect the protocol instead of the port number,
but if they are leaving Google Groups wide open,
it would seem silly to be going after anything else ;-)

Peter Boulding
2011-08-10 13:25:14 UTC
On Mon, 1 Aug 2011 18:24:34 -0700 (PDT), Charles Packer
Post by Charles Packer
I've posted two replies to a thread in the last 48 hours
that still haven't shown up. Is anybody else posting
here via Google Groups? What's your experience?
See <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/08/10/google_usenet_snafu/>.
Regards, Peter Boulding
***@UNSPAMpboulding.co.uk (to e-mail, remove "UNSPAM")
Fractal Images and Music: http://www.pboulding.co.uk/
John H Meyers
2011-08-11 15:42:29 UTC
Post by Peter Boulding
See <http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/08/10/google_usenet_snafu/>
Hmm... I wonder whether the "technical issue" could be the allocation
of less distributed hardware to the archiving of usenet groups,
which may not bring Google much benefit nowadays?
(Google seemed to say that Google's privately hosted groups are not affected).

This would be in line with other technology (e.g. spam filtering),
which Google possesses and applies very well to its mail, but
not does not seem to allocate or apply to usenet groups.

Google did buy "dejanews" and perhaps "save" news archiving from dying,
but it seems to remain a poor stepchild.

bruce bowser
2023-01-09 04:49:36 UTC
I'm leaving and going to TikTok.
