Post by flossieI posted a new thread about problems in Google Docs,
but that hasn't got through either.
It certainly did get propagated (and I read it), twelve hours ago.
Please go to Google's forums and ask why you (or anyone) can't find postings
that have already propagated around the world to real "news" servers,
when you try to find them using Google Groups itself on the web,
which may be even weeks late in showing postings.
This is not an Opera issue, and if you want to bypass it,
you would be best served by using a real news client (such as Opera)
with real news servers, rather than via the severely delayed
Google Groups web service, which apparently posts quickly
but never catches up with even the news feeds that it generates.
All the Opera newsgroups (but _only_ Opera newsgroups)
are directly available via free news (NNTP) server
Similarly, all Mozilla and Netscape newsgroups (but only those)
are directly available via free server
Thousands of other newsgroups are available
via free or inexpensive general servers,
not associated with particular vendors.
You may access as many different news servers as you wish,
and subscribe to whatever groups each server carries,
using a single common mail client such as Opera, or Thunderbird,
or Windows [Live] Mail, or Outlook Express,
or any other specialized news reader software.
If you don't elect to use a news client with news servers,
then accept the fact that there will be long delays
viewing postings (yours or others') via Google Groups on the web,
no matter whose web browser you use (which is immaterial to the issue),
and no need to keep harping on that in Opera's forums.