Opera vs. Disqus comments
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Ted S.
2011-10-05 01:13:47 UTC

The link above has a comment section powered by Disqus. Trying to do
anything on that page once the comments show up brings Opera to a
screeching halt. I've noticed other sites that use Disqus comments (the
UK Daily Telegraph comes to mind) also seem to be memory hogs and have
trouble displaying the comments.

Is there any setting to change in Opera to make Disqus comments not be
an utter memory hog or freeze Opera?
Ted S.
fedya at hughes dot net
Now blogging at http://justacineast.blogspot.com
Paul Bartlett
2011-10-05 02:14:24 UTC
Post by Ted S.
The link above has a comment section powered by Disqus. Trying to do
anything on that page once the comments show up brings Opera to a
screeching halt. I've noticed other sites that use Disqus comments (the
UK Daily Telegraph comes to mind) also seem to be memory hogs and have
trouble displaying the comments.
Is there any setting to change in Opera to make Disqus comments not be
an utter memory hog or freeze Opera?
I had no problem with it whatever. Everything worked just swimmingly.
Smooth and slick. O 11.51 1087 / Win XP Pro SP3. However, this just points
up once again that, regrettably, Opera seems to be quite inconsistent.
What works almost perfectly well for one person works abominably for
Paul Bartlett
2011-10-05 03:57:02 UTC
On Tue, 4 Oct 2011 21:13:47 -0400
Post by Ted S.
The link above has a comment section powered by Disqus. Trying to do
anything on that page once the comments show up brings Opera to a
screeching halt. I've noticed other sites that use Disqus comments
(the UK Daily Telegraph comes to mind) also seem to be memory hogs
and have trouble displaying the comments.
Is there any setting to change in Opera to make Disqus comments not be
an utter memory hog or freeze Opera?
I'd report it as a bug and see if Opera developers can do anything.
I often have problems with Disqus, where it will often seem to load and
load, whether trying to login or post. Win 7/64

